Top 8 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customisations that are Beyond Basics
Written By Prateek
Last Updated: March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024

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Imagine Microsoft Dynamics 365 as a high-performance sports car—powerful yet missing that personalised touch. However, just like customising a sports car to match your driving style, you can do Dynamics 365 customisation with tailor-made features that align precisely with your business needs. 

These advanced customisations go beyond the basics, transforming Dynamics into a finely-tuned machine that enhances your team’s productivity with unparalleled efficiency and precision. 

In this blog, we’re going to explore 8 customisations that will take your Dynamics experience to the next level.

Why Customising Microsoft Dynamics 365?

Just like how you might adjust the fit of your clothes, customising D365 lets you fine-tune the platform to match your business processes precisely. This means you can streamline workflows, add specific features, and remove unnecessary clutter to make D365 work best for your team.

By customising D365, you can automate repetitive tasks, reducing manual work and freeing up time for more important activities. This boosts productivity across your organisation and ensures resource planning that drives business growth.

8 Beyond the Basics Dynamics 365 Customisations 

Let’s take a look at the various ways you can customise Microsoft Dynamics CRM:

  1. Entity Customisation

Customising entities means adjusting how the system organises and stores information to match specific business needs. 

For instance, imagine you’re a company that sells bicycles and wants to add a new section called “Bike Models” to keep track of different types of bikes you offer, like road bikes, mountain bikes, and electric bikes. To do this in Dynamics 365, you need to go to the customisation area, pick “Entities,” and make a new one called “Bike Models.” Then set up details like “Model Name,” “Type,” and “Price” and link it with existing sections like “Customers” to keep track of who buys which bike.

  1. Form and View Customisation

This level lets you change how the system looks and feels by creating custom forms and ways to view information. 

For example, as a school, you might need a special form for student records in Dynamics 365. You can create a new form called “Student Details” and add things like “Grade Level,” “Parent Contact Information,” and “Extracurricular Activities.” You can also set up a custom view to show student records based on specific things like “GPA” or “Attendance,” making it easier for teachers to track student progress.

  1. Business Process Workflow Customisation

Setting up workflows and business process flows to automate tasks without needing advanced technical skills. For instance, creating a workflow that manages the customer support process, assigning tickets to the right team members and tracking their progress.

For example, as a restaurant, you want to automate the reservation process. Now you’d create a workflow in Dynamics 365 that kicks in when a new reservation is made. This workflow automatically assigns the reservation to the appropriate section based on factors like group size and preferred seating, notifies the host, and schedules reminders for confirmation calls and table setup.

  1. Validation Rules and Business Logic Customisation

Using validation rules to ensure data accuracy. For example, setting up a rule that requires sales reps to input customer feedback before closing a deal, ensuring they gather valuable insights for future interactions.

For example, as a fitness centre, you’re implementing Dynamics 365 to maintain accurate member records. You can create validation rules that prompt staff to input essential details like membership type, start date, and payment information before finalising a new membership. This ensures all necessary data is captured upfront, reducing errors and ensuring a smooth membership process.

  1. Plug-ins and Custom Code Customisation

This level of customisation involves technical know-how to develop custom plug-ins that enhance CRM solutions. For example, creating a plug-in to automatically generate personalised thank-you emails for new customers.

For example, a boutique clothing store integrates Dynamics 365 with their email marketing platform. They develop a custom plug-in that triggers when a new customer record is created. This plug-in pulls customer details from Dynamics 365 and uses them to personalise a thank-you email, which is then automatically sent to the customer. This streamlines the customer onboarding process and enhances the store’s brand image.

  1. Web Applications and External Integrations Customisation

Creating custom web applications or linking external systems improves CRM capabilities. For instance, integrating a shipping tracking system to show real-time delivery updates within the CRM.

For example, a delivery company combines an external tracking tool with Dynamics 365 to provide live order updates. They build a custom web app in Dynamics 365 that fetches data from the tracking system, displaying current order statuses right within the CRM, improving customer service and efficiency.

  1. Device-Specific Customisation

Tailoring the platform for compatibility across different devices ensures optimal performance. This customisation focuses on adapting layouts, features, and interface elements for smartphones, tablets, and computers. It ensures that users have a smooth experience, no matter which device they use.

For example, imagine your sales team using Dynamics 365 CRM solutions on various devices. Device customisation ensures that the interface remains user-friendly on all devices. On a desktop, users might see detailed dashboards and large data tables, while on a smartphone, they’ll get condensed, easy-to-read information. Buttons and menus are optimised for touch screens on tablets and smartphones, making navigation effortless.

  1. User Interface (UI) Customisation

This customisation involves more than just changing the CRM’s appearance; it’s about aligning the interface with the company’s brand. Adjusting colour schemes, fonts, and layouts creates a consistent and recognisable experience for users. UI customisation improves user engagement and familiarity with the CRM.

Addressing Challenges with Dynamics Customisations

These are some of the challenges that could be resolved with Customising Microsoft Dynamics 365:

Keeping Up with Changing Customer Needs

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses struggle to meet the unique demands of their customers. With Microsoft Dynamics 365’s Entity Customisation, you can adjust your data structures to fit customers’ needs. This allows you to offer personalised solutions, ensuring a more satisfying experience for customers.

Managing Data More Effectively

Many businesses face the challenge of having data spread across different systems, making it hard to get a clear picture. Microsoft Dynamics 365’s Form and View Customisation tackles this by bringing all the data together. This helps you see the big picture, leading to better decisions and improved insights.

Using Modern Tools and Tech

Sometimes, businesses don’t make the most of the latest tools and tech available. Microsoft Dynamics 365’s Business Process Workflow Customisation automates tasks, making it easier to use modern tools. This boosts efficiency and helps businesses keep up with the latest tech trends.

Making Better Decisions with Data

It can be tough for decision-makers to make sense of all the data they have. Microsoft Dynamics 365’s Validation Rules and Business Logic Customisation ensure data is accurate, giving decision-makers reliable information to base their decisions on.

Ensuring Data Quality and Compliance

Maintaining data quality and staying compliant with regulations is a constant challenge. Microsoft Dynamics 365’s Plug-ins and Custom Code Customisation set strict rules to keep data safe and compliant, providing a secure foundation for operations.

Improving Productivity through Integration

Disconnected systems and manual processes can slow down productivity. Microsoft Dynamics 365’s Web Applications and External Integrations Customisation connects different systems, enabling real-time updates and smoother workflows, boosting overall productivity.

Tailoring Dynamics 365 to Fit Your Needs

Standard CRM setups might not meet every organisation’s unique needs. Microsoft Dynamics 365’s Device-Specific Customisation ensures the system works well on any device, providing a tailored experience that fits your organisation perfectly.

Simplifying Customer Management

Complex interfaces can make it hard to manage customer interactions. Microsoft Dynamics 365’s User Interface (UI) Customisation improves the CRM’s look and feel, making it easier and more enjoyable to use. This creates a seamless and positive experience for managing customers.

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As businesses navigate the ever-changing landscape of customer expectations, data management, and technological advancements, customising Microsoft Dynamics 365 becomes increasingly essential.

Explore the world of Microsoft Dynamics Customisation with Osmosys, your trusted partner in turning data into valuable connections. As your ally in Dynamics 365, we don’t just understand CRM customisation – we redefine it. Our specialty is creating customised solutions that help businesses not just meet, but exceed customer expectations.

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